Enjoying the Talent!
The lads have added a new song to their Rigo Jancsi My Space site, Everything and Nothing, complete with a drop down lyric box so I can read the words! I'm making a daily pilgrimage there at the mo! LOL
While visiting the RJ site, I can't resist clicking on Some Best Friend they have two songs there which I've grown to really like, such a sunshiney sound! There is so much unrecognised talent out there, so glad that the fun keeps going!
We're off to Birmingham on 29th April, meeting up with a couple of friends to see Low! (the professionals!!!) Can't wait :-)
post script on 31.5.2006 Have just been to Some Best Friend and he's added a new song, and taken his Waiting for the Sun and Blindfolded Love off! I'm so disappointed! :-(
I still like Agoraphobia best! Even tho it does still cut off before the end...
The lyrics window is a great feature, isn't it?
Not long to go till Low :-)
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